PC Live Wallpapers


Copyright Statement

PCliveWallpaper.com does not own the copyright for the wallpapers: they may be protected by trademarks and may be copyrighted under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The desktop wallpapers can be downloaded for free only for personal use. If you wish to use these wallpapers for commercial purposes, you need to get permission from their respective authors. You can find the author by following the link in the “Source” box, side the wallpaper. If that box is not visible, it means we don’t have any info about the wallpaper author. In this case, you use the wallpaper at your own risk (again, this is concerning commercial use).

Have we crossed the line?

If any of the wallpapers from this site is made by you, or by an artist you know, please contact us so we can link to her/him. We just need the artist’s website and the link to the wallpaper on our site.

Of course, if you don’t want to have our site showcase your wallpaper, let us know and we will comply right away, by removing it. But please take into consideration that we would be more than happy to add your credits to the wallpaper. We have lots of visitors from all over the world – it would be nice to show them more of your work.